Hello Everyone,
Here are some of the students' repeating pattern bracelets |
Here are the photos I promised of what we have been up to in math. The students have been learning about patterns. They created patterns using blocks, beads, pompoms, and by coloring pictures.
We started with repeating patterns. The students learned that repeating patterns have a core that repeats over and over.
The core of the first bracelet's pattern is blue, purple, red, red (ABCC) |
The student's also learned that they can explain what the core looks like using letters.
For example, here is an AB pattern that Jace made. The pattern's core is Big Pompom, Little Pompom.
Here is another example. This is an ABB pattern. The core of Xyrel' pattern is white, orange, orange.
We have also been learning about Increasing Patterns. These patterns have rules instead of cores. The rule for the pattern to the right is "Start at 3, Add 1". We were practicing more increasing patterns today. Here are some pictures of our patterns. See if you can figure out the rule.
Thank you so much for posting these pictures! It is fun to see what the kids have been up to in class.